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EOIVC & Community Engagement

While seeking out and supporting talented young violinists, ages 16-32, is at the core of the Elmar Oliveira International Violin Competition, the EOIVC has a deep commitment to engaging with the communities it serves. The EOIVC recognizes the vital importance of encouraging and inspiring young musicians to think beyond themselves, using their skills to better the world around them and striving to become citizen artists.  The EOIVC provides a wide-range of community engagement activities that not only involve its Laureates, but also its international judges and its Founder & Artistic Director, Elmar Oliveira and Executive Director, Jill Arbetter.

The Elevar Foundation believes in engaging
with the communities they serve.

The Elevar Foundation believes in engaging
with the communities they serve.

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The Elevar Foundation, home to the Elmar Oliveira International Violin Competition (EOIVC), believes in the transformative power of music and music education. Its goal is to make music and supplies accessible to underserved communities by utilizing EOIVC Laureates as well as its deep connections within the music industry. By forging active partnerships and through donor support, Elevar is able to offer free or low-cost opportunities such as masterclasses, performances, instruments, workshops and information sessions to those in need.

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EOIVC 2017 first-prize winner Sirena Huang performs for residents at an Alzheimer's Center. 

EOIVC Laureates in Action in the Community

Under the auspices of the Elevar Foundation, first-prize winners of the Elmar

Oliveira International Violin Competition (EOIVC) provide masterclasses and community engagement opportunities for underserved and hard-to-reach individuals on a regular basis nearly everywhere they perform. From concerts and talk backs at Title 1 public schools to intimate musical gatherings at Alzheimer facilities, community centers, hospitals, churches and libraries, their commitment to giving back knows no bounds. The Elevar Foundation is so lucky to have such dedicated Laureates who believe in its mission.

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EOIVC 2020 first-prize winner Julian Rhee performs for students at a Jewish Day School. 

The EOIVC, in partnership with SHAR Music and the Plumosa School of the Arts, surprised ten-year-old cello student, Aidan Lucero, with the donation of a cello. 

Elevar Foundation Provides the Right Tools for Success

The Elevar Foundation, through partnerships with internationally-renowned luthiers, artisans and, most recently, the Volta Music Foundation, has been able to donate much needed instruments and supplies to young musicians and organizations in need. This vital program provides the tools necessary for individuals and organizations to thrive through music.

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Yalyen Savignon, President and Executive Director of the Volta Music Foundation, accepts a box of violin supplies from the Elevar Foundation.

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EOIVC Judges Andrés Cárdenes and Ilya Kaler work with a young violin student from Lynn Conservatory.

Learning from the Best, the Elevar Foundation Makes Connections Happen

Whether it is one-on-one or with a youth orchestra en masse, the Elevar Foundation utilizes its deep connections throughout the music industry to provide access to world-class musicians and clinicians. As part of the EOIVC, several of its international judges perform masterclasses for local students. Through the development of the Elevar Foundation that reach will be broadened beyond the competition. As an EOIVC Laureate, each performance provides an opportunity for them to work with students across the nation.

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EOIVC 2020 Laureate Sirena Huang works with students of the Muscatine High School orchestra program.  

Join Our Team & Donate Today! 

The Elevar Foundation, home to the EOIVC, offers individuals, companies and foundations a unique opportunity to make a lasting investment in the world of the arts and humanities.  Join Team Elevar by pledging your support today! 

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Elevar Foundation

3601 North Military Trail

Boca Raton FL 33431 USA

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